How to reslice a DICOM volume ?

DICOM volume reslicing are available for any 3D Dataset. Two options are available : static and oblique reslicing. This function is also active with registred volumes. Be aware that each additional layer increases the computation time.

Static reslicing


Static reslicing is available when using a Talairach coordinate system. Geometric transformations used in static reslicing are composed of rigid rotations along X, Y, Z defined by the user.

The user have to choose four points which define two axes : a line which goes from the anterior commissure (AC) to the posterior commissure (PC) line and a vertical line along Z which defines the inclinaison of the volume. Two points are mandatory : a “vertical up” point (VU) and a “vertical bottom” point (VB). The center of rotation is located at the center of the volume.

The chosen points are stored in a table (AC, PC, VU, VB). The coordinates of the points are stored in two coordinates system:

  1. The native coordinate system used during the acquisition of the DICOM images (X Coord, Y Coord, Z Coord, see table below).
  2. A coordinate system centered on the DICOM volume (sometimes used in stereotaxic procedure using Leksell frame, X AC-PC, Y AC-PC, Z AC-PC) :

        This coordinate system is converted from the native coordinate system using AC/PC/VB and VU points. Be aware, that the values are imprecise due to multiple rounded operations. Only the native values are accurate.

coordinate window.png

To set CA, navigate in the volume and place the navigations lines on AC, then press AC button. The current position will be stored as CA coordinates. Repeat the same procedure for PC, VB and VU points. Then press bStaticResliceIcon.png. The volume will automatically be resliced according to the AC-PC line.

Oblique reslicing


Oblique reslicing is useful to improve the understanding of a volume of interest (VOI) inside a 3D dataset.

When the user navigate inside the DICOM volume, a sustained right mouse click will initialise a rigid rotation according to the angle defined by the course of the mouse from its initial position to its final course. The center of the rotation is the last location of the user inside the volume.

The angle should lay between -90° and 90°. The mouse goes automatically to the right end of the vertical line, to facilitate the rotational movement.



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User’s manual jan-2016